Jumat, 12 Juli 2013

Noun Clause and Adjective Clause

Perbedaan Noun Clause dan Adjective Clause
Baik noun clause maupun adjective clause dua-duanya sama-sama memiliki pola:
relative pronoun + subject + verb + …
Relative pronoun yang digunakan dalam noun clause antara lain:
  • that,
  • kata tanya (i.e: which, who, whom, where, when, what, when, why, what, how)
  • kata tanya + adjective/noun/determiner (i.e. how old, what kind, how many, whose + noun, dst).
  • conjunctions (i.e. whether, if, dst)
Relative pronoun yang digunakan dalam adjective clause (atau relative clause) jumlahnya lebih sedikit, antara lain:
  • that, which, who, whom, where, when, whose + noun.
  • what she is reading
  • that she is reading
  • what you did last summer
  • that you did last summer
Nah sekarang, bagaimana kita membedakan bahwa clause tersebut adalah sebuah noun clause atau adjective clause?
1. Fungsi. Noun clause adalah clause (klausa) yang difungsikan sebagai noun. Seperti halnya single noun (i.e. bookperson, dst) dan noun phrase (i.e. this book, the one, dst), noun clause juga dapat digunakan sebagai subject kalimat dan object kalimat.
Sebaliknya, adjective clause adalah klausa yang digunakan sebagai adjective. Sebagai adjective, adjective clause digunakan sebagai modifier yaitu untuk menerangkan noun dan pronoun, tetapi tidak pernah digunakan sebagai object kalimat.

what she is reading

noun clause

the book
that she is reading
adjective clause
doesn’t know
whom she loves more

noun clause

doesn’t know
the one
whom she loves more
adjective clause
still remember
what you did last summer

noun clause

still remember
the killing
that you did last summer
adjective clause
Sedangkan pada tabel berikut adalah contoh noun clause yang ditempatkan sebagai subject, dan adjective clause yang digunakan untk menerangkan noun yang posisinya sebagai subject kalimat.

What she is reading

very interesting
noun clause

The book
that she is reading
very interesting
adjective clause
Whom she loves more
will be
noun clause

The one
whom she loves more
will be
adjective clause
What you did last summer
will never be forgotten

noun clause

The killing
that you did last summer
will never be forgotten

adjective clause
2. Noun clause menjawab pertanyaan what (apa) dan who/whom.
Ketiga pasang contoh kalimat pada tabel 1 menggunakan noun clause  yang berturut-turut menjawab pertanyaan:
  • apa yang I suka? (What do I like?)
  • apa yang she tidak tahu? (What doesn’t she know?)
  • apa yang I masih ingat? (What  do I still remember?)
sedangkan adjective clause-nya berfungsi sebagai modifier yang berturut-turut menerangkan the book, the one, the killing.
Pada tabel 2, noun clause-nya menjawab pertanyaan:
  • what is interesting? (Apa yang menarik?)
  • who will be happy? (Siapa yang akan bahagia?)
  • what will never be forgotten? (Apa yang tidak akan pernah dilupakan?)
Di lain pihak, adjective clause  menjawab pertanyaan which one:
  • Which book? (Buku yang mana?)
  • Which person? (Orang yang mana?)
  • Which killing? (Pembunuhan yang mana?)
3. Pronoun it dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan noun clause, tetapi tidak dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan adjective clause.
  • I like it. CORRECT. It di kalimat ini (Tabel 1 no 1) menggantikan “what she is reading”.
  • I like the book it. INCORRECT jika it digunakan untuk menggantikan “that she is reading”.
  • I still remember it.CORRECT. It di kalimat ini (Tabel 1 no 3) menggantikan “what you did last summer”.
  • I still remember the killing it. INCORRECT jika digunakan it untuk menggantikan “that you did last summer”.
Selain it, subject pronoun dan object pronoun juga dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan noun clause. Hal inti tentu saja tergantung dari kanteks kalimatnya. Sebaliknya, pronoun ini tidak dapat menggantikan adjective clause.
  • Andini doesn’t know whom they are.
  • Andini doesn’t know them.
  • I still remember Mr. Dadang who first taught me English. Di kalimat ini, him tidak dapat menggantikan adjective clause “who first taught me English“.
4. Arti (terjemahan) untuk  relative pronoun that pada noun clause adalah bahwa, sedangkan arti untuk  relative pronoun yang lainnya adalah sama seperti ketika digunakan dalam kalimat tanya (i.e. what = apa, when = kapan, where = dimana, dst).
Sebaliknya, semua relative pronoun dalam adjective clause umumnya diterjemahkan menjadi: yang.
Contoh tambahan:
Note: Kata-kata di dalam [...] adalah noun clause, sedangkan dalam (…) adalah adjective clause.
  1. [That the planet Earth is round] is well known. (Bahwa planet Bumi bundar adalah diketahui hampir semua orang). Noun clause.
  2. It is well known [that the planet Earth is round]. (Diketahui oleh hampir semua orang bahwa planet Bumi itu bundar). Noun clause.
  3. They always work hard to accomplish [what they want]. (Mereka selalu kerja keras untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan). Noun clause.
  4. Have I told you lately [that I love you]? Noun clause.
  5. We live [where people care each other]. Noun clause.
  6. I need the book (that you borrowed from me last week). (Aku butuh buku yang kamu pinjam dari aku minggu lalu). Adjective clause.
  7. I need [what you borrowed from me last week].  Noun clause.
  8. I don’t know [[how I should tell her] [that I love her]]. “How I should tell her that I love her” adalah noun clause yang mengandung noun clause “that I love her”.
  9. Maria (whose cellphone got stolen last week) just bought a new cellphone last night. (Maria yang HP-nya dicuri minggu lalu baru saja membeli HP baru tadi malam). Adjective clause.
  10. SBY, (the president of Indonesia right now), stated [that we had to get together to achieve our goals].
5. Karena adjective clause menerangkan noun, maka noun yang diterangkannya selalu ada di depan adjective clause tersebut. Jika nounnya dihilangkan, clause tersebut menjadi noun clause.
  • I still remember the day when we first met.
“the day” adalah noun yang diterangkan oleh adjective clause “when we first met”. Jika “the day” dihilangkan, maka clause ini berubah menjadi noun clause.
  • I still remember when we first met.
Inilah 5 cara yang paling mendasar dalam membedakan  noun clause dan adjective clause. Penjelasan yang lebih detail tentang noun clause dapat dibaca di topik: Noun clauses dan Conjunctions dan penggunaannya. Sedangkan untuk  penjelasan tentang adjective clause, please stay tuned!
Dan jika masih bingung tentang perbedaan kedua clause ini, don’t hesitate to leave further questions.
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Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the all the language and words either used or understood by a person or group of people.

Vocabulary becomes so important for our life because of some reason such :
1.      Helps you understand other people. Building your vocabulary involves more than just memorizing lists of the kinds of words you had to know.
2.      Helps you understand what you read. Vocabulary not only aids you in understanding other people, it’s also essential in comprehending the books and articles you read. Words you’re unfamiliar with become little holes in the text, preventing you from reaching a complete understanding of what you’re reading.
3.      Assists you in becoming a more informed and involved citizen. Related to the two points above, the more you increase your vocabulary in general, and also specifically in areas like politics, geography, the military, and so on, the better able you become to understand news and currents events, and the more widely varied the conversations, discussions, and debates you can jump into.
4.      Boosts your powers of persuasion. It’s hard to get people interested in an idea – whether a tangible product, a business pitch, or a piece of philosophy — and convince them of it unless you 1) understand it inside and out yourself, and 2) can describe it to others in an engaging way (see the two points above). Repeating the same word over and over again (“I’ve got this cool idea.
5.      Helps you make a good impression on others. How articulate you are constitutes a big part of the impression you make on others. Based on how it is spelledthe vocabulary you use, people will make judgments about your socioeconomic background, education, occupation, and the stimulation and demands of your everyday life.

Vocabulary becomes easy,if:
1.    Know how to pronounced
2.    Know how it is inflected (i.e. how it changes if it is a verb, noun or adjective)
3.    Know other grammar information about it
4.    Know how it collocates (i.e. what other words are often used with it)
5.    Know how to use more on collocation
6.    If it has a particular style or register
7.    Know the context in which it is most likely to be used [ Types of Vocabulary ]

Vocabulary becomes difficult, if :
1.   If we don’t know the meaning of the word
2.   If we don’t know how to pronounced it
3.   The word has similiar meaning
4.   Never repeat and repeat the word you learn
5.   Never practised the word in your social life
6.   If we don’t know the word use
7. If we don't the word formation and word grammar

Some reasons that makes we forget the words, such as :
- Too many words to be remembered;
- Over confidence;
- Lack of attention;
- Lesser utility of the word;
- Being busy with other type of words .


There are a lot of good strategies for memorizing your vocabulary — learning the meaning of suffixes, prefixes, and roots of words, going through word lists and making flash cards for the words you don’t know, and signing up for a daily. Here’s how it works:
1.    Read. Reading is the single biggest thing you can do to increase your vocabulary (and of course it offers a whole host of other benefits as well).
2.      Listen. You can also pick up new words from the people you talk with and listen to. This is, after all, exactly how you learned words back when you were a toddler.
3.    Write down words you read and hear that you don’t know. Reading and listening are the ways you expose yourself to new words.
4.     Look up the word in a dictionary and write down its meaning in a vocabulary notebook. Whenever you hear or read a new word, you should always stop and try to figure out its meaning from the context in which it is given.
5.     Use the new word several times in conversation as soon as you can. This will really help sear the word into your mind.
6.   Never  stop learning. Education really never should end. Keep implementing more vocabulary words into your active vocabulary


1.      Realia : this word refers to the use of real objects in the classroom. These objects help to make the meaning of word clear
2.   Picture :may be the most useful “ aids” in language teaching, since they are used in different ways.There are: pictures, blackboard drawings, wall pictures, charts, photos from magazines. Those “aids” are used to explain the meaning of words or to create a situation and concept.
3.   Mime,gesture and action : this technique is useful for explanation of the actions and grammar items. Such concepts as: jumping, smoking or the words : “ from, on, to “ etc.
4.    Contrast : contrast usually shows the similarities and differences between persons ideas and things.
5.   Enumeration : this technique helps when any word is difficult to explain visually. We can say ‘clothes’ and explain this by enumerating or listing various items.
6.  Explanation : this is such a technique which is assigned to be utilised with upper-beginners,who already have some knowledge of English
7.     Synonym : this technique relies on explanation of meaning of new word by giving other word,which students know and understand.
8.   Antonym : in this technique teacher explains the meaning of new word,by giving its opposite, if students know the word meaning contrary feature e.g. Warm -is not cold.
9.     Definition : -is suitable method for upper-beginners and relies on giving the definition of given word.It can be simple,unnecesary precise and scientific definition,given by the teacher.
10.  Polish equivalent :-in this method the teacher gives the translation of given word in the national language.The translation is th equickest way of demonstrating the meaning of vocabulary items.